Lançado o livro ‘TalKing with the Spirits’ (2014)
segunda-feira, junho 23rd, 2014O livro, entre diversos outros atributos, traz a primeira revisão de literatura a avaliar todos os principais estudos experimentais e quase experimentais com médiuns brasileiros. Minha pesquisa é brevemente citada no seguinte trecho do Capítulo 10, págs. 284-285:
Chico Xavier (1910-2002) was probably the most famous and important Spiritist medium of Brazil. He was considered very gifted in automatic or mediumistic writing (‘psicografia’ in Portuguese), and produced over 400 books on a wide range of subjects, having sold several millions of copies, with all copyright earnings donated to charity. Xavier’s talent for writing poetry and reproducing (or ‘intermediating’) the style of great literary writers could not be easily attributed to mere pastiche (Rocha, 2001; 2008). Many Spiritists believe that he presented reliable evidence of anomalous phenomena. Among other things, Xavier claimed to receive automatic messages from the deceased in response to requests from their families. The available studies in this respect are scarce, but the evidence include very specific information provided about the deceased that was sometimes not accessible to the family, but was later confirmed to be true (Severino et al., 1994), as well as similarities between a signature reproduced by the medium and the signature of the deceased person (Perandréa, 1991). Although such evidences have been recently questioned (Maraldi, 2013; Visoni, 2012), there is no doubt that Xavier’s case is very intriguing and defiant, and certainly deserves further research. In this sense, it is astonishing and disappointing to discover the lack of references about him in different scientific databases. Even the parapsychological literature contains very little information about him (see, for example, Playfair, 2010). (grifo meu)
Peço a todos que puderem que comprem o livro, que está sendo vendido na Amazon aqui. Não vou ganhar nada com isso, mas é bom retribuir aos editores pelo esforço em lançar um livro que trate do tema de forma séria e informativa. Uma lista com os capítulos pode ser encontrada aqui. A seguir, uma tradução do trecho acima.